No curve was too sharp for them and their bicycle. No puddle was deep enough to stop them. -- Friends by Helme Hein

01 November, 2011


We've noticed over the years that Halloween is slowly creeping into the hearts of holiday-makers in countries around the world. My first year in Switzerland it was hardly a blip on the map for the locals.  I remember an Italian parent of one of my kindergartners asking me what a pumpkin was. That was one of my first realizations that I wasn't in America anymore. In Bosnia, the students dressed up and paraded around the school, but there was no evidence of national understanding, let alone trick-or-treating.  In Japan, always eager to join in the fun, the students at school dressed up as witches, witches and more witches and decorations were up in department stores.

Here in Denmark, Tivoli is the center of Halloween.  They opened their doors for 10 days to show off over 15,000 pumpkins, booths, gluhwein stalls, and costume contests.  We took baby Felix dressed in his homemade Yoda costume (sorry baby, you will be the kid who will never get the store-bought costume). I've never been a big costume person, but I wouldn't miss a chance to put the littlest one in something funny.  My friend, Azusa, taught me how to knit so I could make this hat for the baby. James found the perfect stick on a bicycle ride for Yoda's staff, and I did a very rough stitch to make his little hooded robe. 

We entered him in the costume contest, which, as you can see, was dominated by witches.  In fact, three store-bought witch costumes beat out the cutest homemade Yoda baby. A travesty of justice, in my opinion, but I'll chalk it up to being lost in the translation of the meaning of Halloween. I have to blame it on that, because if I don't, I'm just another crazy competitor in the mom-petion. 

We also celebrated James's 36th birthday on Halloween. 
What better way to honor dad than with a mini-me? Complete with plaid shirt, cardigan and goatee.

Woody played with the streamers and balloons while I made a chocolate gingerbread tart.

Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Andrea Moran said...

Wow - I'm impressed with your knitting! I am a bigger fan of the homemade costumes, but we succumbed to the store-bought version. Happy Halloween!