No curve was too sharp for them and their bicycle. No puddle was deep enough to stop them. -- Friends by Helme Hein

03 October, 2012

These days...

Two weeks down with two under two by myself.  Phew...this is hard.  Each day is a blur of logistics, making sure both kids are safe, fed, slept and played.  That usually means keeping Xavier in the playpen where he can't be reached by his brother's loving (?) hands and Woody entertained so that he won't throw books and lego into the playpen.  Man oh man.  
Xavier is now an official US citizen!  Cutest passport photo ever?

Two cute boys asleep on me.  Everything else can wait when this happens.

X modeling the sweater I knit for him this summer. 

It's amazing how quickly this scowl can turn into.... and utter meltdown.  In the rain, on the street, in the bike, at nursery...toddler tantrums know no boundary.  Woody has become a full-fledged toddler, complete with messy hands, loving hugs and a permanent runny nose.  

We try to keep him as busy as possible.  He sure loves "dack-dors"!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I recognize that sweater! Heron's fits her perfectly, thank you again so much. Hope you are hanging in there. We are using y'all as our test kitchen for 2 under 2 :)