No curve was too sharp for them and their bicycle. No puddle was deep enough to stop them. -- Friends by Helme Hein

08 October, 2011

World Cycling Championships

Copenhagen played host to the World Cycling Championships at the end of September.  The city center closed down to traffic as residents, school kids and guests cheered on their countrymen rounding the city streets.  The time trials went right by our house, so Woody and I snuck out to capture a few shots.

This awesome shot was a total fluke.  I took James's camera with me and I know nothing about the features and settings of anything other than a point-and-shoot, but somehow managed to get one sweet shot.  That's Denmark's rider in the Under-23 time trials.
 Most of my shots turned out like this.  These guys were fast--but my photog skills are poor.
These school kids were let out of class to cheer on Denmark.  They also took to chanting "USA! USA!" when the red, white and blue sped past.

 The top riders were followed by motorcycles and cameramen.  Each rider had his/her coach riding behind in a team Skoda, many yelling things like "Alle! Alle!" or "looking good, looking relaxed," or something along those lines in many different languages.

 Swedish rider

 Woody was inspired to train for the 2031 World Cycling Championships (he'll be 20 then). 
On a separate note, I bought this cozy stroller sleeping bag thing to use this winter when we we are out and about.  I never thought I'd be using it daily in August and September.

  Except for car traffic, commuters were mostly able to go about their way on the bike paths. 

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