No curve was too sharp for them and their bicycle. No puddle was deep enough to stop them. -- Friends by Helme Hein

07 October, 2011

Christianshavn and Christiania

Photos from a bike ride to Christianshavn, an island within Copenhagen, home to quaint canal-side brick homes, beautiful parks and free-town Christiania, a sort of autonomous commune that operates free from the Danish authorities.  

The irony of Christiania is that squatters took over a former military site so they could create a peace-loving, yoga-doing, meditating, art-going free-town.  They set their own rules in the city, among them: no stealing, no violence, no hard drugs, no gang colors, and no bulletproof vests. Oh yeah, and no photos taken inside.

A small hippy cafe in Christiania that felt like it could be anywhere in Oregon.

National Opera House

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