No curve was too sharp for them and their bicycle. No puddle was deep enough to stop them. -- Friends by Helme Hein

26 November, 2011

Tivoli Russian Christmas

 Tivoli has reopened for Christmas--what I've most been waiting for--and it didn't disappoint!  I've always wanted to experience the spirit of a Scandinavian Christmas--the red and white folk art decorations, the little forest creatures, Christmas markets, things made of wool, and lots of glögg.

 Reindeer, finally not far from home.

 This year's theme is Russian Christmas.  Amazing to see this transformed after the 15,000 pumpkins that were here just a few weeks ago. 

The little shops are maximum hygge.  I would love one of these wool knit sweaters, but $200 is a bit too much for a baby.  At least $190 too much.

Father Frost was there to scare the kiddos.

 Baby Felix loved playing on the giant xylophones.  He loves banging on anything these days, though.

 Not really Christmas related, but I'd never seen brussel sprouts growing before!

 All sorts of decorations, candles, ornaments and warm slippers for sale.

We were told it's best to visit at night because the lights are magnificent.  It's not the grandest of light displays (this one in Tokyo still takes the cake), but it definitely upped the holiday atmosphere. 


Rachel said...

Looks beautiful and lots of fun! I'm glad you're enjoying the new places and sites to see.

Erik R. said...

These photos are gorgeous. Christmas

I'm a fellow member of the "Friends" list on I think she directed me to some of your posts about the earthquake last year. I spent six months in København in 1999, and your photos are bringing back some wonderful memories. It seems very little has changed.

Anonymous said...

Christmas markets, things made of wool, and lots of glögg.ebay amazing deals