No curve was too sharp for them and their bicycle. No puddle was deep enough to stop them. -- Friends by Helme Hein

02 December, 2009

Coco Farms Harvest Festival

In early November we were blessed with another sunny day and the chance to train it out to Ashikaga to Coco Farms and their annual harvest festival. Coco Farms is one of the top producing Japanese wineries, a big name in a growing business, and is unique because it is run almost exclusively by autistic workers. You can read more about it here, but it's an inspiring story and the winery produces some really nice wines.

The hill is steep, about a 35 degree angle and was packed with drunk Japanese soaking up the sun.

Charity, Craig, Mich, Ashley and I enjoyed wine, goat cheese and crackers in the vineyard.

On the train back home we cracked the bottle of sparkling grape juice.

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