Andrea was my partner in crime at TASIS back in 2006-2007. And when I say crime, I mean, going home early from parties because we didn't want to socialize, or dealing with high schoolers sneaking out from the dorms. We lived in adjacent dorms and both had to take care of the 50 some 15 year old girls and boys. Even though my dorm duty job wasn't exactly peaches and cream, Andrea really got the short end of the stick. Imagine being the only female to live with 16 boys, aged 15. Smelly, loud and obnoxious. Needless to say, the experience put her off teaching and sent her into the banking world after only one year there....
Fortunately for me, Andrea's new husband Bryan works for Boeing and has to come to Tokyo for work sometimes. Here are a few fun pictures from her visit---our first Tokyo visitors! I have to give her credit for these pictures. It's nice to have a shameless tourist take some photos for me! Thanks, Andrea!
Just an average day in Yoyogi Park for these guys.
Tuan (another TASIS teacher) came from Hong Kong to visit Dan (another TASIS teacher who is now in Tokyo) last week, too. Reunion of sorts with them in Shibuya.
If you look closely you just might find me in this picture!
With Tokyo Tower in the back, all lit up in the Olympic colors in support of Tokyo's 2016 Olympic bid. Apparently the committee visited last week, too--and got to tour the stadiums with virtual reality goggles that allowed them to watch a simulation of someone breaking world records in track. Amazing.
Inside Kiddy Land--this is the 2nd floor devoted entirely to Hello Kitty. The 3rd floor is all Snoopy and Friends. There are 6 floors.
Food Show in the basement of Shibuya Station. The desserts are decadent.
Eating Ramen noodles at Tatsumi, our favorite noodle shop close to home. This has spinach, kimchi, a whole cooked egg and noodles. The more you slurp, the better.
At the Pink Cow, a local gaijin hangout with the only decent burrito in Japan.